Instant AR

Augmented Reality Apps Comparison

New Halo Instant AR!

Instant AR is a feature of the Halo app that allows users to see and interact with virtual objects in the real world using their smartphone's camera. With Instant AR, users can place virtual objects, such as furniture or art, in their physical environment and move them around to get a sense of how they would look in real life. The feature uses augmented reality (AR) technology to overlay virtual objects on top of the user's camera view, creating the illusion that the objects are actually present in the physical world. Instant AR is available on both iOS and Android devices.

The app includes a feature called Instant AR, which uses the smartphone's camera to overlay virtual objects on top of the user's camera view, creating the illusion that the objects are present in the physical world. With Instant AR, users can place virtual objects, such as furniture or art, in their physical environment and move them around to get a sense of how they would look in real life. The app also includes features such as social sharing, so users can share their virtual creations with friends.

Pricing Comparison

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Basic Plan
  • 6 Days a Week
  • Dedicated Trainer
  • Diet Plan Included
  • Morning and Evening Batches
Advanced Plan
  • 6 Days a Week
  • Dedicated Trainer
  • Diet Plan Included
  • Morning and Evening Batches

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